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Congresswoman visits Mabel School students

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

As part of Bring Your Elected Official to School Day events planned this month, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx visited and toured Mabel Elementary School on March 6. Two student tour guides, Madison Welch and Keadon Anderson, led Foxx around the school to show her various classrooms and activities. The tour ended with Foxx participating in a question-and-answer session with seventh and…

The American Health Care Act

| Posted in Opinion Editorials

For years, Americans across the country have struggled under a government takeover of health care. Because of Obamacare, insurance markets are collapsing, health care costs are soaring and patients’ choices are dwindling. Simply put, the flawed health care law is unsustainable. It is hurting hardworking men and women across the country, and the American people deserve better. That’s…

Congresswoman Virginia Foxx is on a quest to roll back Obama's workplace rules

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

This year, North Carolina Republican Virginia Foxx, 73, became the first woman to take up the gavel of the House Education and Workforce Committee since New Jersey Democrat Mary Teresa Norton in 1947. She sat down with the Washington Examiner to discuss her agenda for the committee and her opinions on federal workplace policy, especially with respect to the Obama-era regulations she…

Foxx Statement on the President's Address to Congress

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON - Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), chairwoman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress:  "Tonight the president outlined a positive vision for our country, one that reflects the renewed hope and optimism many Americans now share about the future. For too long,…

In Foxx, Trump & DeVos Have a Staunch Education Ally

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

With control of all three branches of government, Republicans are set on unraveling President Obama's education legacy and pushing an unprecedented amount of funding and authority back to states. Leading this charge is Rep. Virginia Foxx, the newly appointed chairwoman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee. Her mission, as she told RealClearPolitics in an interview for the…

Foxx Votes to Restore Authority of States to Direct Funds Away from Abortion Providers

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., today voted in favor of a resolution of disapproval that blocks an Obama administration regulation forcing states to include abortion providers as recipients of Title X grant distributions. “States have always had the freedom to direct funds away from abortion providers,” said Foxx during remarks on the House floor. “Not only does this…

New Opportunities to Help Students, Workers and Job Creators

| Posted in Opinion Editorials

What a difference an election can make. Across the country, there is renewed hope and confidence in the future. Expectations are high, as they should be. Now it’s time to do the hard work necessary to live up to those expectations. For eight years, families and small businesses have lived with the consequences of failed policies and failed leadership. They have endured job growth that…

The Truth About The Do Not Call Registry

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

What about the Do Not Call Registry? It doesn't cover debt collector calls or those from charities, political groups or surveys. Those entities can call you all they want at least for now. Although just last week, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx introduced House Bill 740 "ROBO Calls Off Phones Act" or ROBO COP act. It would expand the 'Do Not Call Registry" to include political Robocalls,…

House Passes Federal Contractor ‘Blacklisting’ Challenge

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

A measure that would permanently block new labor and employment law violation disclosure requirements for federal contractors moved another step forward as Feb. 2, as House lawmakers voted to approve it. House members voted 236-187 on the disapproval resolution (H.J. Res. 37). The measure would scrap regulations and guidance implementing former President Barack Obama's Fair Pay and…

Foxx Introduces Legislation to Expand Do Not Call Registry to Political Robocalls

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., has introduced legislation to stop the intrusion of political robocalls in homes across America.   H.R. 740, the Robo Calls Off Phones Act or Robo COP Act, expands the types of unsolicited calls restricted by the national Do Not Call Registry to include political robocalls, giving the American people the opportunity to opt out of the…

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