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President Obama is “not being fair”, says Rep. Foxx

“Extending fairness for all by giving American families the same break from ObamaCare that businesses are getting will save taxpayers and cut the Federal deficit”, says Rep. Foxx.

President Obama is “not being fair”, says Rep. Foxx


“Extending fairness for all by giving American families the same break from ObamaCare that businesses are getting will save taxpayers and cut the Federal deficit”, says Rep. Foxx.

On September 17, 2013 Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina asked for and was granted permission to address the United States House of Representatives for one minute regarding Obamacare.


Mr. Speaker, given President Obama’s reflexive opposition to offering all Americans fair treatment under ObamaCare, you’d think the cost of fairness for all must be pretty astronomical. Not so. Extending “fairness for all” by giving American families the same break from ObamaCare that businesses are getting will save taxpayers and cut the Federal deficit.”


“The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that delaying ObamaCare’s weighty individual mandate tax on the American people would reduce Federal deficits by roughly $36 billion over the 2014-2018 period. Fairness makes sense. It’s not just good policy; it’s good for taxpayers and for the economy. No wonder Republicans and Democrats joined together this summer to stop the individual mandate just like President Obama decided to stop his Big Business employer mandate”, she said.


“We encourage President Obama to rethink his insistence on the individual mandate and to support fairness for all”, said Rep. Foxx (source: Congressional Record


Congresswoman Foxx is the Vice Chairman of the House Committee on Rules.

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