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The House Voted to Keep the Government Open, Now the #SenateMustAct

"We had an opportunity to move our government away from shut down and our country and economy away from Obamacare. This was the right step to take. The Senate must now do its part to pass this legislation.
Last week, the House of Representatives acted responsibly to provide a way for the federal government to remain open and operational for the American people. The Continuing Resolution passed by Congresswoman Foxx and her House Republican colleagues is legislation that funds basic government services which matter to millions of Americans, while also keeping government savings intact. The Continuing Resolution ensures the government will continue to make payments to our military personnel, fund veteran programs, and maintain Border Patrol operations, just to name a few functions.

The House Continuing Resolution also reflects the will of a majority of Americans who do not like the way Obamacare is threatening to change their health care. Keeping them in mind, the House Continuing Resolution defunds Obamacare. This legislation is now being considered by the Senate. As Congresswoman Virginia Foxx stated after passage of the legislation, “Today we had an opportunity to move our government away from shut down and our country and economy away from Obamacare. This was the right step to take. The Senate must now do its part to pass this legislation.”

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