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Unresolved, Unanswered, and still Unaccountable

State Department Obstructs Efforts to Investigate the Deaths of Four Americans in Benghazi, Libya.

Earlier this month on September 11 we mourned the one year anniversary of the terrorist attack on our U.S. consulate annex in Benghazi, Libya.
Earlier this month on September 11 we mourned the one year anniversary of the terrorist attack on our U.S. consulate annex in Benghazi, Libya. That fateful night left four Americans, including our Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, dead. The next morning we woke up to find Obama Administration officials blaming the entire attack on a Youtube video. That was the start of the obstruction, which continues today, over one year later.

We have heard from many of you back in the District who desire to see justice served, justice for the families who have lost their loved ones but still don’t know why. This means we need to find and punish not only those who committed the terrorist attack, but also those who have blocked, hindered, and delayed the efforts of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s (OGR) investigation. Just last week OGR held another hearing, reviewing whether or not the conclusions reached by the State Department’s Accountability Review Board (ARB) were sufficient or accurate.

Chairman Darrel Issa and his Oversight and Government Reform Committee are pursuing the truth behind that tragic night. You may be familiar with an old saying: “Truth, Justice, and the American way.” While these words were spoken by a comic book hero, the inverse rings true no matter what, lies and a lack of justice have no place in our government. As this fight continues, please follow the efforts the OGR Committee on their website at:

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