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Foxx Reintroduces Highway Trust Fund Reform Act

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WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Rep. Foxx reintroduced H.R. 3904, the Highway Trust Fund Reform Act of 2019 to stabilize the Highway Trust Fund.  The bill would exempt federal government contractors from the Davis-Bacon Act’s outdated, wasteful labor requirements for federal-aid highway and public transportation projects. CBO estimates that repealing Davis-Bacon would save the…

Foxx Votes for the Stopping Bad Robocalls Act

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WASHINGTON – Today, the House passed H.R. 3375, the Stopping Bad Robocalls Act, which will combat unwanted robocalls by implementing a nationwide caller authentication system. At no cost to consumers, carriers will identify robocallers and provide the option to block robocalls. Americans will be able to trust that the number they see on their caller-ID is actually the person…

Foxx Announces U.S. Service Academy Day

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WILKESBORO – Congresswoman Virginia Foxx will hold a U.S. Service Academy Day on Monday, August 5th from 9:30am to 1:30pm at Wilkes Community College in room 1112 of Alumni Hall. Representatives from all five U.S. Service Academies will be available to answer questions and provide information about each academy and their respective application processes. High school students and…

The Fight for $15 Wages War on Working Families

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A look at the latest jobs report shows that pro-growth policies like the Republican Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and regulatory reform are working well for the American people. Wages are on the rise, jobs are being created and unemployment has reached a 50-year low. Many businesses and workers are seizing these opportunities, but there is still more work to be done. Right now, there are 7.4…

Foxx Statement on NDAA

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WASHINGTON – Today, Democrats in the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2500, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020. The partisan bill authorizes $733 billion in funding for America’s military and defense initiatives, $17 billion less than the Senate’s version of the bill which passed 86-8 and what the president requested. In addition to cutting the topline…

Foxx Amendment to NDAA Signals NATO Primacy to EU

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WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed Rep. Foxx’s (R-N.C.) amendment to H.R. 2500, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020. In recent years, America’s European allies have expanded their defense agreements within and beyond the EU through a military pact called Pesco and a €13 billion European Defense Fund (EDF). European member states have…

SBA Disaster Loan Outreach Centers in Hickory and Charlotte

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WASHINGTON – North Carolina businesses and residents affected by flooding and heavy winds on June 6, 2019 can apply for low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration, Acting Administrator Christopher Pilkerton announced today. Acting Administrator Pilkerton made the loans available in response to a letter from North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper on June 24,…

Foxx Welcomes Pastor Hodges to U.S. House of Representatives

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WASHINGTON – Wednesday, Rep. Virginia Foxx received Pastor Ryan Hodges of Rocky Face Baptist Church in Hiddenite, to serve as guest chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives. Pastor Hodges continued the chamber’s tradition of opening the day's proceedings with a prayer, which goes back to the chaplains of the First and Second Continental Congresses. …

Foxx Welcomes Congressional Art Competition Winner to Washington

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WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Rep. Foxx welcomed Jessika Norman to Washington, DC, for the installation of her piece, “Brook Trout,” in the U.S. Capitol. A student of Wilkes Early College High School, Norman won the 2019 Congressional Art Competition in North Carolina’s Fifth District last month. Her work is now on display for U.S. Capitol visitors to appreciate year-round. …

Foxx Announces 2019 Veterans Information Session

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ELKIN – Congresswoman Virginia Foxx will host her annual Veterans Information Session on July 19th, from 2-4pm, at the National Guard Armory in Elkin.  With the initial launch of the VA MISSION Act earlier this month, this information session will provide a timely opportunity to learn about the new ways VA healthcare beneficiaries can streamline their access to community care…

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